TWOM Maint Notice
New Platinum Packages
what the fucking increased 50%
TWOM Maint Notice
New Platinum Packages
what the fucking increased 50%
Con Warrior - Con18 / Str14
Str Warrior - Con14 / Str18
(Madius recommending Con type better than Str type)
Ranger - Dex18 / Con15
Mage - Int18 / Wis18
(You can switch to <int18/con14> or <int18/con12> at Lv47~48 for enjoy war/pvp/pk)
[TWOM Tutorials] Stats Hitrate(hr) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
Islot Lab / Islot Temple
[TWOM Maps] Fallen Temple (ft, sky4) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Stone Fortress (sky3) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Western/Eastern Sky Castle (sky2) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Ancient Palace (sky1) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Lighthouse (lh1~lh5) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
Fallen Temple (ft, sky4)
Red - GateKeeper
Blue - Hulk :D
Black - Darkness
[TWOM Maps] Islot Lab/Temple (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Stone Fortress (sky3) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Western/Eastern Sky Castle (sky2) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Ancient Palace (sky1) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Lighthouse (lh1~lh5) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
Stone Fortress (sky3)
[TWOM Maps] Islot Lab/Temple (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Fallen Temple (ft, sky4) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Western/Eastern Sky Castle (sky2) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Ancient Palace (sky1) (0) | 2020.08.26 |
[TWOM Maps] Lighthouse (lh1~lh5) (0) | 2020.08.26 |